Thursday, March 26, 2009

Well, I'm poor at committments to blogger...

Obviously, considering that I haven't kept up with what I said I would do. :\

But I have had a oscillation of moods this past month. It's been up and down as far as how I am feeling. But I suppose my whole life is the oscillation of moods. Where would I be if I was the same emotion all the time? Not human, that's for sure.

So I have made friends with Kea. And by made friends I mean become better friends than we were before when we just kinda knew each other in band. And I really enjoy it (being her friend).

Today was a good day. Yesterday was a not too good day. Monday was a good day. Sunday was a good day. Next week is a break from school and I'm excited for my cousin to be visiting. I haven't seen him for a couple years. So i'm excited for that.

I've written a lot with this trimester activating my brain. Last trimester was a dead zone for creativity.

Signing off,

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