Sunday, December 13, 2009

And we're back...

So it's been a long long time.

So, I'll start with an update. I'm currently situated on the floor in my basement where I have my computer set up. I was watching War Games earlier on G4. Hmm, what else... I got a text from a friend contemplating how people are infinitely more forgiving of a person's faults posthumously as opposed to his or her heavy scrutiny while he or she is alive. We then continued to text about that situation and how celebrities are on pedestals and what we could do to remedy ourselves of this. We decided to become a recluse would be inadequate because we would not be able to spread Love to people. It is a delicate balance and one that cannot remain unchecked for fear of turning to either side.
For narrow is the gate, and straitened the way, that leadeth unto life, and few be they that find it. Matt 7.14
This verse is so true. We need the cliffs of ego abject hopelessness on either side of the pathway to the Kingdom to keep ourselves in check. It also is imperative to have someone to keep you accountable. The self is blind to its own shortcomings. How's that for some theological discourse?

So onto the updating... Well I have an amazing girlfriend. Her name is Sawyer. She is also a senior at Leo. I don't know what else to tell you without getting silly.

I went to a dance for mentally handicapped people last night because Sawyer interns for a special education teacher. The student with whom Sawyer works was going to be there, so I went along with Sawyer. I met Abbey for the first time. She is deaf and I really like her. She's pretty awesome and really cute. I need to work on my sign language. I need to work on it A LOT. She's awesome.

Okay. So that's about all I have to say right now. Hope to see you all again soon!


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