Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Lesson In Humility

Today was an interesting day. I had a late night and a somewhat early morning. This morning I had a conversation with someone who was concerned with my actions. She basically speaks her mind and doesn't disguise the truth behind courtesy (at least in these matters). She really opened my eyes to what I didn't know what going on because I had been so blinded by my personal interests.

Just how I missed it, I'm not sure. But I am SO thankful for what she told me and even though it was tough to take, I don't think I could be the same without it.

Here is how I will sum up what I was told: pay attention to those around you. There is truth in the axiom others above self, especially all-year round. Think about how you are affecting others. Think about how what you say or do or look like affects them. Realize that you are NOT alone and others DO look up to you and pay attention to your attitude. Keep yourself vigilant and on task. If you want to make others happy, you need to BE happy. If you are sad, others will be sad.
If someone truly looks up to you, watch what you tell him or her and how you act about things concerning him or her. You could be endangering his or her well being (as I was).

That is all I have for now. There's a LAN party to get to!

In Love,

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